At present, the student enrollment is over 450 students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade. Jaggard houses eight special education classes with emphasis on mainstreaming. Courses of study are regularly reviewed, revised and changed to reflect the needs of an ever changing society. District supervisors assist the dedicated and caring school staff in the curricular areas of language, math, science, social studies and technology. Current emphasis is being placed on whole language, integration, and the thematic approach to instruction. The drug awareness program, D.A.R.E., has achieved much success. The fifth grade enrichment program also has been well received. The school additionally has the services of the following certificated staff: resource room teachers, nurse, guidance counselor, reading and math specialists, librarian, speech/language teachers, computer teacher, instrumental music teachers and occupational and physical therapists. Classroom aides are an integral part of the kindergarten, library and special education programs. Community volunteers also have a big role in daily instruction.