

School Hours
School Bell

Full Day K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th begins at 8:06-2:30

Half-Day Dismissal at 12:10

Delayed Opening at 10:06

AM Kindergarten begins at 8:06-10:42

PM Kindergarten begins at 11:54-2:30

Emergency Closing #657
Please listen to KYW 1060 or your local news station for school closing information!

School History
Robert B. Jaggard Portrait
The Robert B. Jaggard School officially opened in 1972. The school celebrated its 40th anniversary in June, 2012. Its namesake, Robert B. Jaggard (1904-1968), was a long-time resident of Evesham Township. In addition to being an engineer who helped build the Indian Springs Golf Course, he was a member of the Board of Education from 1955 to 1967. He served as chairman of the building committee and oversaw the construction of such schools as Beeler and Van Zant. The portrait shown above was presented to the school by his wife and son, Robert, Jr.
RBH House
Mr. Jaggard's home at Indian Springs Golf Course

At present, the student enrollment is over 450 students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade. Jaggard houses eight special education classes with emphasis on mainstreaming. Courses of study are regularly reviewed, revised and changed to reflect the needs of an ever changing society. District supervisors assist the dedicated and caring school staff in the curricular areas of language, math, science, social studies and technology. Current emphasis is being placed on whole language, integration, and the thematic approach to instruction. The drug awareness program, D.A.R.E., has achieved much success. The fifth grade enrichment program also has been well received. The school additionally has the services of the following certificated staff: resource room teachers, nurse, guidance counselor, reading and math specialists, librarian, speech/language teachers, computer teacher, instrumental music teachers and occupational and physical therapists. Classroom aides are an integral part of the kindergarten, library and special education programs. Community volunteers also have a big role in daily instruction.

In 2000, Jaggard completed a massive addition. We have added new classrooms, a beautiful library, great new art and music rooms , a large, new computer lab and a huge new gym!! We are very proud of the new improved Jaggard School!! A fantastic school now confidently enters the 21st century!!

JSign (2)

 Principals of Jaggard

1. Norman Allison (1972-1976)

2. Coletta Berger (1976-1984)

3. Chester Barbieri (1984)

4. Scott Salmonsen (1985-2007)

5. Susan Screnci (2007-2014)

6. Maria Sobel (2014-2020)

7. Michael Mongon (present)

The Jaggard Time Capsule has been sealed up and will be opened in the year 2025. We wonder what the world will be like by then!!

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